Monte L. Neilan


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About Monte L. Neilan

Primary Practice Areas in Scottsbluff, Nebraska

Workers Compensation Attorney in Scottsbluff | Personal Injury Attorney in Scottsbluff

Workers Compensation Lectures:

Occupational Disease & LOEC Timing, NSBA Work Comp Section Annual Seminar, 2016;
Representing the Undocumented Worker, Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Section Annual Seminar, 2014;
Courtroom Credibility-Understanding It, Establishing It and De-Establishing It, NATA Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Seminar, 2013;
Aggravation of a Preexisting Condition, NATA Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Seminar, 2013;
Preparing for Hearing/Third Party Actions, Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Section Annual Seminar, 2011;
Discovery and Motions Practice in Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court, Nebraska State Bar Association Teleseminar, 2011;
Review of Pleadings/How to be Prepared for Trial, Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Section Annual Seminar, 2010;

Product Liability Lectures:

Selecting Products Liability Cases, NATA Civil Litigation Seminar, 2014;
Author: 2012 NATA Civil Litigation Practice Manual, Products Liability;
Special Cases: Products Liability, NATA Civil Litigation Seminar, 2012;

Other Lectures:

UM/UIM Insurance, NATA Service, 2016.
Deposing Experts, NATA Seminar, 2015;
Wal-Mart Wars, WTLA teleseminar, 2010;
Cross-Examination of the Defense Medical Examiner in Soft Tissue Cases, NATA Seminar Series, 2009;
The Basics of Juror Bias – Nuts, Bolts, and Naming, NATA Seminar Series, 2008;
New Approaches to Discovery, Rules of the Road – Winning Trial Strategies, NATA 2008 Annual Meeting and Fall Seminar

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